The fishing sector plays a key role in the economy of the country; Tunisian aquaculture implementations have highly improved during the last ten years; indeed, the national production passed from 1566 tons in 2000 to 4468 tons in 2009 and the number of farming areas was five times higher (Annuaire statistiques de la Direction Générale de la Pêche et de l’Aquaculture, 2009). Fish and sea product exports reached approximately 20.555 tons evaluated at 202 million dinars in 2005 (Annuaire statistiques de la Direction Générale de la Pêche et de l’Aquaculture, 2009).
Actually, private aquaculture farms are producing fish (mainly Sea bass and Sea bream). Also private projects are going to produce local Clams, Mussel and Cupped Oyster. Other farms are working on blue fin tuna fattening. At present, marine fish production (Sea bass, Sea bream) is undertaken in 27 main private farms .
Moreover, 34 dams are in exploitation in the North and the middle of Tunisia containing: Mullet, Pike perch, Carp, Barbell, catfish and Black-bass. In addition to this activity, 3 Chinese carps (Silver carp, Bighead carp and grass carp) are bred in a Technical Aquaculture Center which is located in Bou Mhel (Tunis). The majority of marine aquaculture production is exported to EU countries, mainly to Italy. The market regulation for the existing aquaculture companies allows them to export at least 70% of their production.
Regarded as a strategic activity that can support the fishing sector, aquaculture benefits in Tunisia of a particular interest. The present level of production is relatively low in comparison with the important potentialities. Tunisia has mobilized the necessary means to draw up an aquaculture master plan (ADP) which specifies the potentiality.
The strategy of the Tunisian fisheries administration is to establish a full-fledged legal framework for the aquaculture development, covering all aspects such as disease and health control, sanitary regulations, environment impacts, as well as a monitoring of pollution generated by aquaculture activities.
At present, we count approximately 30 aquaculture farms: about ten conchylicol stations and about thirty fish farms; without neglecting the extensive breeding represented especially by fresh water dams. Most fish farms are situated in the North east of the country.