According to the law n°2005 -16 of February 16th, 2005, amending the law n°93-84 of July 16th, 1993, relating to the interprofessional group in the agricultural sector and agro-alimentary;
The main missions of the GIPP are the following ones:
- To ensure the connection between the various phases by which the products within the framework them dies pass, to help the producers to be integrated into it and to encourage the producers, the transformers and the tradesmen of the agricultural produce with worker by means of contracts of production,
- To facilitate the dialog enters the professionals and the administration in order to lay down the objectives of the various dies,
- To contribute to the market equilibrium while using of the various mechanisms adequate and in collaboration and coordination with the company doctors and administrative concerned.
- To take part in the promotion of exports in collaboration and coordination with the company doctors and administrative concerned.
- To collect, analyze and file the invalidations, to put do not place data banks referring to the sectors object of their intervention and to proceed to the perspective studies relating to reality you them of these sectors on the national plan and international.